Universitaet Karlsruhe

Homepage of the Research Group

Intelligent Data Analysis

with Machine Learning, Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic

at the
Institute of Computer Design and Fault Tolerance,
Department of Computer Science
University of Karlsruhe, Germany

NEW: Lecture Intelligente Datenanalyse

Members of our group:

Research Interests:

Computers have proven to be very helpful to solve a lot of tasks involving products of our daily life, in factories controlling production, or even organizing management activities. To do so, Computers use special programs that explicitly control the order of steps to solve the tasks they are used for. The drawback of this approach is that these programs are not flexible enough to work when the environment changes for which they were developed. This inflexibility is often not acceptable and leads to a rising demand for easy and automatic adaptivity for tasks in changing environments or even to changing tasks. We think that present adaption techniques are not sufficiently evolved to meet expectations people have.
That is why we are working on the following subjects:

Points of Interest:



Online Information:

UIUC AI Information List
Neuroscience Web Search

WWW-sites of other groups:

University of Amsterdam Robotics and Neurocomputing
Neuro Fuzzy Uni Braunschweig
UKA: The NN learning algorithm benchmarking page

WWW-sites of journals, societies, companies:

IEEE Neural Networks Council (NNC)
International Neural Network Society
GI Fachgruppe 1.1.3 "Maschinelles Lernen"

Machine Learning Online
The NIPS-Homepage
NIPS*95 Online papers
Neural Processing Letters
Neural Computation

NeuroDimension, Inc. - Application Corner

[University] [Department] [Email to Author]

F. Feldbusch, 29.6.1998